
Thursday 27 December 2012

Well that's christmas 2012 already over...

I cannot believe how fast this year has come around, I mean where did this year even go?! Not  going to rant about this year. That deserves it's own post.

 I have thoroughly enjoyed Christmas this year. It's been a great and somewhat a success because, well like every Christmas gone, you realise its nearly the end of year! For my family, Christmas has always been more of a spiritual event.

Amongst my gifts, me and my sister were sent these photos of us from a family friend :

Happy Holidays!

Introduction: Why I have started blogging

After drafting and re-drafting my first few lines of this blog, I have decided that this is going to be my very own virtual space for creativity, discussion and reflection. A thought hub if you like where I express, record, hopefully inspire and meet other bloggers. 

Here's a little something about myself: I am a sixth form student  living in the north of England.  Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), I am very interested in the scope of economics, politics and business however this blog will based (perhaps initially) on mainly quotidien matters I stumble upon. After dabbing with most art forms out there, I have no yet found the perfect medium to publish my most intimate ideas. Hope this blogging thing works out. Let this be the first of many. 

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” —William Wordsworth